Make $3000 a Month with G2A

Link: Join G2A NOW

Currently I make money with G2A by doing the following
Twitch: I stream video games on twitch and promote G2A with reflinks and discount code.
Twitter: I post the deal of the day with the #g2a and #nameofgame (i.e. #G2A deal of the day: #DyingLight for sale for only $40)
Facebook: I use a fanpage and post the same thing as the twitter.
Youtube: I upload highlights from the stream to youtube and have the g2a reflink below the video.
Website: I post the g2a weekly sales on the website and I just started doing game reviews.

List of Tips
Tip #1: Twitter/Facebook. Make sure you use a picture of the game when posting the daily deal. Also, I have the g2a marketing team email me the weekly sale information including the following; weekly sale image and list of games on sale. This is great to post a reflink to the weeklysales page on twitter and facebook. Make sure you pin this post to the top so its there all week.

Tip #2: Use google, bing, facebook, etc. to promote preorders. I love when preorders are about to be released maybe a week or 2 before. I make a reflink to the preorder game page, use some money to promote the preorder on bing and facebook (my adwords account was banned years ago)

Tip #3: Reddit! Find subreddits that allow reflinks and make post. That simple...

Tip #4: Find a game on G2A thats really cheap and sells a lot. Check the bestsellers page. Don't worry about what commission you're going to get for it. Just promote the hell out of it because you want a ton of level 1s in your goldmine account.

Tip #5: If you have a website or social profile with a lot of traffic/followers then I recommend contacting the marketing team to get a 3% off discount code. You would be surprise how many people care about saving 3%.
Make $3000 a Month with G2A Make $3000 a Month with G2A Reviewed by William Jeneil on 2:20:00 PM Rating: 5

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